steel industries
In this sector Mario Carnaghi has had considerable success, especially with products like vertical turning lathes, for rough machining of parts and for the maintenance of all rotating machine components (bushes, rings, flanges, gears, etc.) inside extruders.Machine tool designs for this market as usual require machines with high rigidity, in particular the ratio of machine weight to turning diameter, parameters for which our company has been always considered a leading company. The machine steadiness is the first characteristic required for this type machining, and is followed by high precision machining of cylindrical and conical parts, typical pieces of this industrial market.
It's there that the control and servo drive technology exploits the mechanical potential of the machines, to get the best results, by reducing the non-cut times (tool changes, approach to the part, pallet exchange, etc.) and by increasing the production capability much beyond 30-40%.
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